— by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues reporter —

Welcome to March. This is the third in our Village Voices series, in which we take the pulse of the people of Orcas Island. Every month we’ll be out and about asking people to share their point of view. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes more light-hearted. We invite you to join in the conversation by sharing your response to the question in the comments area.

Asked outside the Orcas Food Co-op on February 29, 2020

How are you feeling about the coronavirus situation?

(comments have been lightly edited for clarity)

Dirk: It makes me nervous and certainly has my attention. We’re discussing whether to go on a trip to Croatia that we have planned for later this Spring.

Brooke: I’m not terribly worried. I am interested in the news about it, but not overly alarmed. I tend not to be an alarmist.

Ben: It’s one of those news stories that is peripheral for awhile then you are no longer able to ignore it.

Lena: I’m feeling okay. I’m a little bit upset about how the administration is handling it, trying to make out it’s not a big deal while the stock market crashes. I’m planning to take San Juan County’s advice and stock up for two weeks.

John: I’m just watching it. Paying attention but not depressed or anything. Mostly trying to separate truth from fiction.

How are YOU feeling about the coronavirus situation? Have you taken any precautions?

Please add your thoughts in the comments area.

And if you want more information, please follow these links to official statements and advisory letters issued by the Governor’s office, San Juan County, and the Orcas Island school district.

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