— by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues reporter –

And here we are in early June. With the monthly Village Voices series, we take the pulse of the Orcas Island community. Every month we’ll be out and about, asking people to share their point of view on a particular topic. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes more light-hearted. We invite you to join the conversation by sharing your response to the question in the comments area.

How are you feeling about all that’s going on in the world?

Asked at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday, June 6, 2020

(answers have been lightly edited for clarity)

Bjorn: Well, I’m just rolling with the punches, adjusting just like everyone else. Things right now are in bad shape, but you’ve just got to deal with it.

Alison: One thing is that we’re all in it together with the coronavirus and Black Lives Matter. And maybe that’s a good thing, maybe it’s a really good wake up call for the entire world. It’s pretty awesome that other countries are also protesting. It’s all making people more aware. So maybe in the end it will really bring some change.

Cedric: It’s kind of a weird time I guess. We’ve never seen anything like it, just the virus thing, the pandemic, the guy getting killed and the looting and riots and all that stuff. I don’t know, it’s all just kind of bizarre.

Barney: There’s a lot of uncertainty. We don’t know what’s going on. I’m kind of worried and scared too, you know. Everything just seems to keep escalating. A lot of people are on edge. First there was the virus, then the killing, and it all blew into something much bigger. It’s a storm that came together. So I’m just feeling a lot of uncertainty.

Erica: I think we have it better than a lot of areas here on Orcas. It’s a small community and we care a lot more about each other. I’m feeling okay. I’m not great, I’m not depressed, I’m okay, which is okay. But I’m also optimistic.

Jule: I try not to let it affect me and keep my thoughts positive, but it’s hard to with all that’s going on. Having things open up on the island is a little bit scary but at the same time it’s so nice to come back here to the farmer’s market. I’m just extremely grateful that I live here, because I feel really safe and held by community.

Adani: On the one hand, I’m excited that all of this upheaval and this contrast is causing us to get clearer on what’s important and what matters and what we really want in the world. The good part about that for me, so I feel uplifted most of the time, is that all of our calling, all of our wanting, all of our clarity that’s erupting from the dark is being answered. Because I believe in thought forms and I want to stay on the positive side of the thought form. A lot of people aren’t doing that and they’re living their passions another way. But I just know that I want to be on the side that is rooting for solutions and the answers that are coming out of the clarity that’s being born.

Apologies to Rafael and Kay Anne. My voice recorder lost what you said and I didn’t want to try and paraphrase your thoughtful answers.

 We invite you to join in the conversation.

How are YOU feeling about all that is going on in the world?

Please share your thoughts in the comments area.

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