by Minor Lile, Orcas Issues reporter

Several more responses have been received to last week’s Village Voices. We invite you to join in the conversation. Please send your answers to, along with a picture of what you see out your favorite window. If there is enough interest, we’ll share more responses next weekend.

Here are the questions:

  • What’s your name? (first name only)
  • What part of the island is your home on?
  • How many others (people/animals) do you live with?
  • How have you been spending your time?
  • What have you been eating? 
  • What has been most challenging about this situation for you?
  • What are you most thankful for at this time?
  • Please share a picture of what you see out your favorite window.

From Kate on Diamond Hill

How many others (people/animals) do you live with? Miss Daisy

How have you been spending your time? During our increasing sunny moments, the winter yardwork is getting cleaned up. During the cold and rainy longer moments, lots of streaming, chatting up the family and thinking how much housecleaning I could be doing!

What have you been eating? Eating food. I don’t tend to panic shop for situations. I find it a good time to eat the bad stuff first and then get to the healthy stuff.

What has been most challenging about this situation? Mostly, believe it or not, being unable to go to work. I only do two days but those days are what keep me sociable. Most who know me, know I’m a bit of a hermit and enjoy my own time. I know there are a lot of concerned folks out there and several friends are dealing with the virus, but using good energy to worry is not a good solution to the problem. As my dear sister would tell me, “Suck it up and deal with it”. 

What are you most thankful for at this time? Super great neighbors and friends who have allowed me to live in a community which takes care of its own … and puts up with this belligerent old woman!

From Bob on Tomihi Drive

How many others (people/animals) do you live with? I live with my wife Bonnie. We’ve acquired a rescue dog, but she’s in Bellingham so we haven’t been able to go get her.

How have you been spending your time? A little more cooking, a little more reading, trying to avoid figuring out just where we might be on the curve, a bit of food bank work.  

What have you been eating? More than usual soup. I made a spicy black bean I’ll have for lunch today.  The B&B on our road has been delivering excellent dinners, so we’ve had their Thai, Chinese and Mexican.

What has been most challenging about this situation? Not knowing how long it will last. Not knowing what comes next.

What are you most thankful for at this time? We live in a great place to be quarantined. No one in our family has been ill or has been economically damaged thus far.

From Tim and Martha near Rosario Resort

How many others (people/animals) do you live with? It’s we two and our dog, Hunter.

How have you been spending your time? Cleaning, decluttering, getting our garden sort of ready, cooking and reading, watching some news and some other TV – I (Tim) like comedy, Martha likes stuff about serial murderers. Should I be concerned?

What have you been eating? What haven’t we been eating?  We’ve been trying new recipes – mostly Asian – interspersed with anything with noodles.

What has been most challenging about this situation? Not seeing other people.  And that it’s not possible to look normal on Zoom.

What are you most thankful for at this time? That we can shelter in a beautiful place, that we remain healthy, and that we have this unexpected opportunity to remind ourselves what’s really important.  And for Island Market and all the “essentials” it provides!

From Kari in Eastsound

How many others (people/animals) do you live with? One daughter, two dogs.

How have you been spending your time? I’ve been busy! Switching from teaching 4th-7th grade in person to teaching online has taken huge effort and lots of time.

What have you been eating? My daughter is home from college and we’ve been eating quite well. She’s cooked some lovely dinners and plenty of cookies. Once a week, we’ve been treating ourselves to takeout from The Lower- with big thanks to Lisa and Lisa for making that possible. 

What has been most challenging about this situation? I miss kids! I love teaching. Online school is not the same.

What are you most thankful for at this time? I am most thankful for my home. I am grateful that it is a refuge for me and my daughter and that we are surrounded by the beautiful garden my late husband created. 

From Kathi & Joe in Eastsound

How many others (people/animals) do you live with? We live with each other.

How have you been spending your time? Kathi: Reading, cleaning, cooking, sending things to my grandson, learning to play boogie woogie piano, looking at the Salish Sea and a tree with a bent top from my “nesting” chair, listening to music put out by old friends. Joe: Cooking new food, doing home projects, fixing up a boat, reading, setting up a backyard archery range

What have you been eating? Kathi: I made some bagels and they have become my dietary staple. Joe: Seafood chowder, hummus, peanuts.

What has been most challenging about this situation? Kathi: Staying centered and being appropriately helpful. Joe: The uncertainty of making plans.

What are you most thankful for at this time? Kathi: Living on Orcas Island and that my family on the mainland seems to be doing alright. Joe: Most people that we know are still healthy.