Robbie Padbuty (#7 on the far left) watches Daniel Briggs (#17 on the far right), position himself to catch the long pass.

Orcas Vikings Football Team trounced their Concrete opposition at yesterday’s last home game of the season, 48-20.

The game started off with a tribute to the Vikings Veteran Football Coach, Dennis Dahl. Assistant Coach Mark Padburty said, “After 20 years and many many young people who’ve had the benefit of Coach Dahl’s guidance and love, this last home game has its own sweet moment.”

It was also the last home game for the Senior pigskin players — Randall Boetger, Aubrey Schermerhorn, Robbie Padbury, Mikhail Van Marren, Tyler Jensen, and Keenan Phalan.

Keenan Phalan (#8) catches the pass before running into the end zone for a second quarter touchdown.

The Vikings dominated throughout the game. with point conversions, interceptions, recovered fumbles as well as touchdowns resulting in the half time score of 34-13. (At least one Concrete touchdown was the result of the rivals’ intercepted pass and a charge downfield to the end zone.)

Viking quarterback Robbie Padbury threw the “frozen rope” successfully to teammates Keenan Phalan, Devon Stanzione and Daniel Briggs, and in one third quarter play, looked for a receiver, then decided to make a run for it, and then threw the football into the endzone to make the score 40-13.

Orcas’ second string was put into the game midway through the fourth quarter.

The Concrete Lions were coached by Ron Rood who was Coach Dahl’s brother’s roommate in college. Dennis and Ron, friends and competitors for 40 years, both hold the distinction of Washington State Hall of Fame coaches.

The 48-20 victory over Concrete keeps alive the goal of making it to post season playoffs. The victor in the Thursday, Nov. 3 game at La Conner, beginning at 5:30 p.m. will advance to the playoffs.