March 13, 20 & April 3 at 204 West Montgomery in Mount Vernon, or via live internet stream

Courses are open to San Juan County residents, and all of the courses are live-streamed so you can attend from your business or home.

— from Victoria Compton, San Juans Economic Development Council —

image001A three part video production workshop begins March 13th in Mount Vernon. Presenting ideas and promotional content through video has become critical to businesses and non-profits. In this series learn how to create an audience/platform appropriate video and how to get it in front of your desired audience.

Sessions will be held March 13, 20 and April 3 at 204 West Montgomery in Mount Vernon or via live internet stream. Each class builds on the last to create a foundation to help you plan out your video marketing strategy for 2014. Homework assigned. $50 per individual workshop or $135 for the series. $40/$110 for members or streaming. 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27 beginning at 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Refreshments provided. Sign-up on-line or by calling 360-336-6114.

The Economic Development Association of Skagit County is pleased to partner with Rebecca Murray of Skagit Media Marketing in making this series available.

Session 1: LIGHTS! ACTION!
Learn why your audience wants you (begs you) to capture good audio. Review the pros and cons of various recording devices. Overview of lighting types, strategies, tips and techniques. Light kit demonstration.

Session 2: CAMERA!
We’ll cover camera types and cost, basic filming techniques, and how to enhance visual interest. Brief overview of editing software available today and editing strategies. Tips on planning your next video production: script, shot list, storyboard, music, and voiceover. Homework assigned.

Session 3: VIDEO MARKETING 101
How can video help your audience find you when they need you? Is YouTube really all that important? What do other video hosting companies have to offer and what makes them important to the average business owner?

Review homework. Open discussion.

The EDASC Education Series was created by EDASC in response to concerns from local business owners and overall increased demand from new businesses. This series presents a wide variety of business topics designed for both those opening a new business or those wanting to take their business to the next level. “In these emerging economic times it is imperative that business owners and managers be given the support they need,” said Don Wick EDASC’s Executive Director.