The San Juan County Veterans’ Advisory Board is an outreach program authorized by the County to provide emergency assistance to indigent veterans and their families. A small portion of county tax funds are set aside for this purpose, and the Board has helped several San Juan County veterans with rent, medical, dental, food, transportation, and counseling services.

The Board is comprised of members, all veterans themselves, who live on our different islands and maintain contact and partnerships with other local and regional organizations in order to best serve our veterans. The Board was started two years ago by then-councilmember Alan Lichter, and continues to serve veterans who number approximately 2500 in San Juan County. Board members serve as volunteers as a way of thanking veterans for their past service to this country.

Applications for assistance are available through the County website, from VAB members on the various islands, from senior centers, sheriffs’ stations, libraries, and County legislative offices. A central telephone number for assistance can be accessed at any time: 370-7632.

On Wednesday, November 11, Veterans’ Day, from 12-4, the Veterans’ Advisory Board will have a table at Island Market, where board members will provide more information about available services. All veterans and their families are invited to stop by and say hello.