— by Lin McNulty —


Plaque on Vietnam War Veterans Memorial at local American Legion post.

It may be a small rock in comparison to others, but veterans at the local American Legion Post consider it a touchstone, a measure of gratitude not often expressed. A small rock placed on the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial at the post was recently discovered. It says, simply, eloquently, “Veterans, we thank you!”

img_2503In August, Orcas Issues reported on the recent community of folks on Orcas who are finding, or hiding, or talking about rocks that have been painted and placed around the island.

Islander Jennifer Smith, along with her husband, Steve, acknowledge to Orcas Issues that they placed the rock near the end of September.

Local Legionnaire Roland Hachee described the memento as “quite touching.”

When they chose to serve like that, says Smith, they didn’t have a guarantee that they or their buddies would survive. “They did it… for all of us. That and what so many of them witnessed and went through…well, I just can’t take that lightly. God richly blessed our country with such patriots, and I am thankful.”

Just before she painted it, Smith recalls, she saw a gentleman on the mainland or on the ferry who was wearing a cap that said he was a veteran. “I try to make the rocks I paint be an expression of thanks about something or simply a quirky, cute or pretty theme that might make the finder smile. The cap reminded me of one of the things for which I’m thankful, so it went on
a rock.”

The rock is visible from the road, if you know it is there, and it didn’t seem to be moving from its
“hiding spot,” so Smith had been wondering if it just hadn’t been seen yet. Then someone posted on the “Orcas Island Rocks” Facebook page that they’d found it, but left it there because it just seemed like an appropriate place for it to stay.

“That’s pretty cool,” says Smith, and, “in itself, shows respect to the veterans so they could have opportunities to see it.”

The rock has since been found again and re-hidden nearby, perhaps to be re-discovered by a veteran.