Sunday, April 12, 11:30 a.m., Benson Hall (Emmanuel Episcopal Church)

— from Suzanne Olson & Susan McBain, Program Committee —

Annual Poetry Service: Sharing and Appreciating Poetry led by Suzanne Olson

All are invited to bring a poem (or three) to share with the group. It could be one written by a favorite poet – or a fresh one from your own practice. Suzanne will present a brief homily on poetry and then open the floor for those who are moved to read or share.

Coffee and finger food following the service in Benson Hall – please bring something to share

NEXT SERVICE: UU Principle #6: “The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.” Also – please save the date: Sunday June 14th for our picnic at Moran State Park.

Please let us know if you need a ride – or have any other needs that the Fellowship may be able to help with. Kathy Hendrickson is our Caring Coordinator. Contact her ( when you need a hand.

Hope to see you on Sunday!