— from Island Stewards, Vacation Rental Work Group

As of 23 January 2020, almost 2200 people have signed the petition asking County Council to impose an immediae moratorium on the issuance of Vacation Rental Permits.

Immediate action steps:

  • If you haven’t already,  Sign the petition.
  • County Council will discuss vacation rental compliance on Jan 28, 2020 at Council chambers in Friday Harbor. If you can, show up and request a moratorium. You can watch the council via live stream: click here.
  • County Council will discuss additional vacation rental issues, hopefully the moratorium, on 4 February on Orcas Island. Details to be announced as they become available. PLAN TO BE THERE AND TESTIFY! Mark your calendar now!
  • The Vacation Rental Working Group will be presenting a Community Conversation on Lopez on February 8, at Grace Church, 1:30 to 3:30 pm. Mark your calendar! Details to be announced.

In the Works:

  • A conversation with vacation rental permit owners.
  • A conversation with Orcas businesses impacted by visitors.
  • A community conversation on San Juan Island.
  • An effort to get County Council to immediately create a remote-access capability for residents to testify at Council meetings without having to travel to Friday Harbor.
  • Working group meeting with all Orcas candidates for County Council
  • Community Conversation on Orcas with all Orcas Council candidates.

Details TBD.

Did you know?

The Working group has Delivered draft regulations to the County Council with a request for an immediate moratorium while they consider the regulations.

That there are no limits on the number of vacation rental permits issued by San Juan County to any person or investor, regardless of where they live, how many VR permits they already have, whether they are sharing their home or have a separate house for guests, how many are already in their neighborhood, what the impact on water supply and/or septic system, whether permitted by their HOA, or by any other restrictions.

Please take action now! Every thing you do helps move the needle.

MISSION: Mobilizing our community to regulate vacation rentals in a manner that protects our rural character, environment and culture in the San Juan Islands.