Call to action

— from The Vacation Rental Work Group —

An exceptional number of participants spoke at a Council meeting in Friday Harbor on November 5 during the public access period. You can learn more about this event here.

Read Matthew Gilbert’s Orcas Issues reporting on the Council proceedings

Per the request of County Council, the Vacation Rental Working Group is drafting regulatory language to be presented to Council in January 2020 as part of the Council’s consideration of a moratorium. 

There is no guarantee that the Council will consider either the regulatory language or a moratorium.

Additional public input requesting a moratorium is essential. Let your voice be counted.

Sign the petition to request that the San Juan County Council immediately pass a moratorium on the issuance of new Vacation Rental Permits

Lopez, San Juan Island, and outer island supporters: Please pass this notice to your contacts. Broad inter-island participation will demonstrate county-wide support for a moratorium.

Public Access Guidelines

Take Action Steps

Sign the petition!


Mobilizing our community to regulate vacation rentals in a manner that protects our rural character, environment, and culture in the San Juan Islands.

The Vacation Rental Work Group