On Wednesday, January 20, at 10:30 am, the Orcas Island Garden Club will partner with the Orcas Library to host author and biologist Thor Hanson for a Zoom talk about bees and seeds.

Join us in welcoming Thor Hanson for an exploration of pollination, germination, and other wonders at the heart of gardening. Indispensable but often overlooked, bees and seeds never cease to amaze.

Hanson’s books include Buzz, The Triumph of Seeds, Feathers and The Impenetrable Forest, as well as a children’s book, Bartholomew Quill.

You must preregister using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkc-qtrj0oGtF_qRWUtK70ugZgthVZN8Qh. Once you have registered, you will be sent a link for the presentation.

This is the first Zoom program the Garden Club has offered since in-person meetings were cancelled last Spring. We are pleased to offer this remote presentation to our members and our community. As always, the Garden Club continues to welcome new members who can easily join by clicking this link: https://www.orcasislandgardenclub.org/membership.html



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