Beginning October 8, Tuesdays 1-3, the Library

– from JoEllen Moldoff —

The poem is not the world.
It isn't even the first page of the world.

But the poem wants to flower, like a flower.
It knows that much.

It wants to open itself,
like the door of a little temple,
so that you might step inside and be cooled and refreshed,
and less yourself than part of everything.

Section 8 from “Flare” by Mary Oliver

In this class we will read and discuss a variety of poems by major modern poets for the pleasure of their words, and perhaps to inspire our own writing. All are welcome to join, whether new or experienced readers and/or writers.

Class fee: $20 to cover copying and donation to the Library, payable at the first class. To register,  email Class size is limited to 15.