On Thursday, October 22, at 7 p.m. PDT, Monique Mead will join Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival in a live Zoom session to teach and inspire. Whether you play music yourself or are just interested in the process of bringing music to life, you’ll want to join OICMF for their upcoming Zoom session, From the Page to the Stage: An Organic Approach to Fruitful Practicing with violinist Monique Mead.

What can the life cycle of a butterfly teach us about musical performance? Monique is eager to share her new concept that outlines the stages of practicing as an organic process of musical growth, transformation, and ultimate freedom. This course is intended for anyone who has played an instrument or is simply curious about what happens in the privacy of a practice room. It offers practical tips and personal stories by prominent musicians who have mastered the art of practicing.

Monique Mead is Director of Music Entrepreneurship and an Assistant Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon School of Music in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her wide-ranging international career as a violinist and collaborator includes having played in the OICMF Summer Festival numerous times since her first visit in 2004. Orcas Island has also enjoyed the great privilege of having Monique on island as Musician-in-Residence many times, teaching in the schools, playing Community Concerts, and offering workshops. And now, wherever you are, you can learn from Monique direct from her Pittsburgh studio, through the magic of Zoom!

OICMF Executive Director Anita Orne said, “This is a good time to get inspired to pick up your instrument and get playing – we’re certain Monique will provide that spark!” This seminar will be fascinating and inspiring, whether you are a musician or not.

Attendance is free, but you must register by Tuesday, October 20. To register or for more information, please contact sarah@oicmf.org.