— from David Turnoy —

A bill has been introduced in the state senate to bring Universal Healthcare to our state.  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!  We have no senator currently for you to contact, but the article below gives you some other senators you can contact.  In addition, please contact our two state representatives asking them to introduce a companion measure in the House.  Our two reps are Debra Lekanoff (Debra.Lekanoff@leg.wa.gov) and Jeff Morris (Jeff.Morris@leg.wa.gov).  Here is the article from Whole Washington:

Last year we took the initiative route and gathered signatures to get I-1600 on the November 2018 ballot. We didn’t get the required number, but we built a strong base of support all across Washington State. We introduced thousands of voters to the concept of Universal Healthcare with face-to-face interactions and real human connection.

Now, in 2019, it’s time to go the legislative route and pressure our elected officials to pass Universal Healthcare legislation. That ball is rolling! On January 16th, Senator Bob Hasegawa (District 11) introduced SB 5222 which creates the Whole Washington Health Trust. This bill is based on I-1600 and retains its essential substance, including the same core benefits like dental, vision, and mental health services for every Washington state resident that enrolls.

The bill has been co-sponsored by Senator Sam Hunt (District 22) and Senator Karen Keiser (District 33). This is huge!

(Thank these Senators!)

Even more exciting is that SB5222 has funding and a transition plan! Thanks to the vital efforts of outgoing Senator Maralyn Chase, the Department of Revenue (DOR), and the Employment Security Department (ESD), the funding provisions in SB5222 can be more easily implemented within existing state frameworks.

How can you help at this very minute? There are two simple ways:

1)       Help get SB5222 out of committee. Let’s contact members of the Senate Healthcare Committee and request a commitment to get this bill a hearing and out of committee. If you can call only one person on the list, call Senator Cleveland. She’s the gatekeeper and needs to hear our demands. If you have the time and energy, call them all!

This step has a deadline of February 22n! Here’s a fun Facebook post where you can comment ‘DONE’ after you’ve completed your call(s) and see the efforts of others doing the same thing. We’re having a real impact!

2)       Ask YOUR State reps to introduce a companion bill to SB5222 in the House of Representatives. And once you do that, add a frame to your Facebook profile.

As always there’s real urgency here. Health insurance rates are slated to rise 19% this year. Fellow Washingtonians are refusing ambulance rides, cutting pills in half, rationing their insulin, and not seeking care for fear of high bills. It doesn’t have to be this way. We know Universal Healthcare can lift us up and out of our current broken system.

We need this. We deserve this. And we can do this.

Keep fighting y’all! 
Whole Washington