In January, 2013, United Way of San Juan County awarded more than $91,000 to 20 non-profit agencies in the county. The grants support 28 programs on Orcas, Lopez and San Juan islands.

According to Candace Bodenhamer, Treasurer, “We were able to fund 63% of all grant requests received from non-profit agencies countywide.  Although last year we were able to fund 70% of requests received, there were almost half again more applicants this year than last. We were able to fully fund Orcas PIP, Friday Harbor Elementary School PIP, Head Start PIP, Orcas Family Connections Resource Center, San Juan Island Family Resource Center Family Support, Preschool to Kindergarten Transitions, and Orcas Island Senior Center’s Hearts and Hands Program this year.”

Our 2013 supported programs and agencies are:

Lopez Island
Lopez Is. Comm Radio KLOI Gathering of Island Voices (GIVE) $ 500.00
Lopez Is Family Resource Ctr Lopez Fresh $ 750.00
Lopez Is. Conservation Corps Youth Summer Crew $  859.00
Lopez Is Family Resource Ctr Preschool PIP $ 1,718.00
Lopez Children’s Center Play & Learn Program (PAL) $ 1,718.00
Lopez Housing Options (LoHO) Hamlet House $ 1,718.00
Lopez Is Family Resource Ctr Lopez Mentor $ 1,718.00
Lopez Is Family Resource Ctr Summer Workshops $ 2,147.50
Lopez Is Family Resource Ctr Family Support $ 6,442.50
Orcas Island
Funhouse After-School Program $ 2,147.50
Kaleidoscope Scholarships $ 4,008.09
Orcas Family Connections Family Support $ 5,000.00
Orcas Is. School Dist. Elementary PIP $ 4,000.00
Orcas Island Children’s House Scholarships $ 4,867.95
Orcas Island Senior Center Hearts & Hands $ 2,577.00
Orcas Montessori Scholarships $ 4,008.95
San Juan Island
Friday Harbor Elementary School After-School Study Club $ 2,147.50
Friday Harbor Elementary School Elementary PIP $ 8,000.00
Hospice of San Juan $ 3,693.70
Madrona Institute SJI Conservation Corps $ 1,718.00
San Juan Is Family Resource Ctr Kindergarten Transitions $ 2,577.00
San Juan Is Family Resource Ctr Readiness to Learn $ 4,123.20
San Juan Is Family Resource Ctr Mentoring $ 4,123.20
San Juan Is Family Resource Ctr Head Start PIP $ 2,900.00
San Juan Is Family Resource Ctr Family Support $12,000.00
San Juan Is. Prevention Coalition Challenge $ 1,718.00

In addition to the funds granted through the allocation process, a total of almost $8,500 in designated contributions was distributed to these and 8 other non-profit agencies.

“The needs of our community are accelerating,” said Bill Morrissey, Board President. “At a time of dwindling public resources, our support to programs serving children, families and seniors in our community has never been more important.”