Sunday, September 9, 11:30 a.m., Benson Hall

— from Suzanne Olson —

Welcome back! Our Unitarian Universalist program year begins on Sunday, September 9 with the traditional ingathering and water ceremony. Please bring a jar of water that is special to you to add to our fellowship whole. After sharing our stories, we’ll combine the waters and carry them down to the beach to return to the sea.

As denizens of the Salish Sea, as witnesses to climate change and drought conditions, as occupants of human bodies made up primarily of H20, as explorers of the world – what does water mean to you?

Plan to stay after for a potluck coffee hour of finger foods (please bring some) – and donations of canned food or $$ for the Food Bank will be collected.

All are welcome. Please let us know if you need a ride, or have other needs that the Fellowship can help with.

NEXT Services:
October 14: Chalice Group topic: “home” + presentation by “Yes! For Homes” followed by potluck at the home of Bruce & Bev Hanna (directions to follow)
November 11: Chalice Group topic: “gratitude” led by Bruce Hanna @ Benson Hall
December 9: Chalice Group topic: “vessel of light” led by Debi Gibson @ Benson Hall