Sunday, May 14, 11:30 a.m., Emmanuel Episcopal

— from Suzanne Olson for Unitarian Fellowship —

Please join us on Sunday, May 14 for a “hybrid” service: part sermon, part discussion, led by Susan McBain on the topic of “The American That is Being Born.”

Borrowing from a powerful sermon delivered by the Rev. Bill Sinkford at the First UU Church of Portland, Oregon, we will explore: “Being White and Christian has defined who a ‘real’ American is. Others may be tolerated. But that toleration does not change who is in charge. The norm against which all others are measured has remained clear….Obama’s election was the symbolic repudiation and end of this long-running and powerful cultural construct. The Trump election a reaction to that loss of power….But demographic analysis does not get us to hope. And so those of us on the progressive side of the aisle need to go deeper.”

Please bring finger foods to share following the service. All are welcome. Please let us know if you need a ride, or have other needs that the Fellowship can help with.