Josh Inch at work at the carpentry trade.

Orcas Island students interested in careers in the trades, vocational and technical education can  learn first-hand of opportunities in those fields through union training programs in Mt. Vernon this Thursday.

Students who catch the red-eye on Thursday, March 4th  with Career and Tech Ed Director Kari Schuh can tour with the electricians, plumber pipe fitters, and carpentry union training programs. Orcas Island School Superintendent Barbara Kline calls the school-sponsored trip to unions and their training programs as a “must see opportunity.”

Students will be able to determine apprenticeship requirements, see the facilities, ask lots of questions, find out how much income you can make while you learn the trade, and perform some hands on activities, PLUS they will enjoy pizza.

First priority is given to juniors and seniors but should there be slots open to take some underclassmen.  Both boys and girls are encouraged to come.  Those who wish to take part must contact Mrs. Schuh right away at