Saturday, May 4, 1 – 2:30 p.m., San Juan Islands Museum of Art

— from Diane Martindale for San Juan Islands Museum of Art —

You may have driven by the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) recently at night and seen the glowing blue art that resembles a pelvic bone and wondered why the artist, Mary Coss created this piece.

On Saturday, May 4 from 1-2:30, at SJIMA, Mary Coss will give a gallery walk describing her process and the inspiration for her work. The walk will be followed by a slide presentation of her prior works and public art.

While there, visit the MY WAR: Wartime Photographs by Vietnam Veterans and A War Never Ends by San Juan County Vietnam veterans.

Admission is free to members and those 18 and under and veterans. Coss’ talk is included in the normal museum admission of $10.

Museum hours are Friday-Monday 11-5 with Pay As Your Can Mondays. SJIMA is located at 540 Spring Street in Friday Harbor, WA. For more information go to