— from Mike Welding, Public Affairs Officer —

The U.S. Navy announced today its decision to implement its Preferred Alternative (Alternative 1), as described in the Northwest Training and Testing (NWTT) Final Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS), to conduct military readiness training and testing activities primarily within existing range complexes, operating areas and testing ranges of the NWTT Study Area.

The Navy made its decision after carefully considering the potential impacts training and testing activities may have on the human, natural and cultural environment, as well as considering comments received from government agencies, tribal governments and the public on the proposal and environmental analysis.

Implementing the Preferred Alternative will ensure the Navy accomplishes its mission to maintain, train and equip combat-ready military forces while minimizing potential environmental impacts to the greatest extent practicable. Such implementation also includes revised mitigation measures in compliance with Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) authorizations.

The Record of Decision (ROD) documents the Navy’s decision to conduct military readiness training and testing activities as described in the Final EIS/OEIS under Alternative 1, the Preferred Alternative. As identified in the Final EIS/OEIS, proposed training and testing activities include the use of active sonar and acoustic sources and explosives, as well as pierside sonar maintenance and testing. While training and testing, the Navy follows strict guidelines and employs measures to reduce effects on marine species.

The ROD and Final EIS/OEIS completion follows several years of research, analysis and public involvement, and conclusion of regulatory processes with the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, State Historic Preservation Offices in Washington and Alaska, and Coastal Zone Management programs in Washington, Oregon and California. Fifty-six American Indian Tribes and Nations were also invited to participate in Government-to-Government consultation.

The Navy held nine public scoping meetings in March 2012, eight public meetings in February/March 2014 for the Draft EIS/OEIS and four public meetings in January 2015 for the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS. The Final EIS/OEIS was made available to the public on Oct. 2, 2015, and includes Navy responses to public comments received during the Draft and Supplement review periods.

The Record of Decision and Final EIS/OEIS are available online at www.NWTTEIS.com. Additionally, printed copies and CD copies of the Final EIS/OEIS are available for viewing at …
Lopez Island Library and San Juan Island Library.