— from Caitlin Herlihy —

For those who don’t feel called to “hit the streets”:
All Day “Music as Medicine” Activist Workshop
(of Joanna Macy’s “Work That ReConnects”)
$30-60 sliding scale (nobody turned away for lack of funds).
Lunch & 8:30am optional yoga class included.
Pre-register at www.backtolife.org
Email ben@backtolife.org for discount tickets.
January 21st
Orcasong Farm
280 Dolphin Bay Rd
Post-march “Protest/Folk/Soul” Concert
w/ Pepper Proud & Lydia Violet’s 4 part band
Come join in community after the march for a collaborative music throw down. Community potluck beforehand, all are welcome.
$10 suggested donation
January 21st
5:30 potluck / 7pm Concert!
Orcasong Farm
280 Dolphin Bay Rd