Sunday, November 6, 2 a.m.

— by Lin McNulty —

On Sunday morning, we add an additional hour to this exhaustive election season. The Spring-ahead we did in April now becomes Fall-back in our semi-annual, nonsensical maneuvering of time.

Most clicks will automatically reset themselves. Manual clocks, if you still have some, will require you to set them back one hour at (or before, or after) 2 a.m. on Sunday, or they can stay as they are and be off by one hour for the next six months. We’ve all either done that or know someone who has. Those clocks in our cars are a perfect example.

The end of DST is also a good time to change the batteries and make sure your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are in working order.

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep; it might be a long week.