The Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival invites community and student musicians to participate in “IM: In Music Tune-Up and Master Class” sessions lead by Festival and Teaching artists during the concert weeks in August. The 2010 season was the first time that such an opportunity to work with guest artists was offered. For the 2011 Season Canada’s premier ensemble, the Gryphon Trio, and returning Teaching Artist Rachel Buchman, will coach individual island musicians and offer ensemble training.

OICMF IM: In Music Summer Activities Calendar

Young Ones learn the joy of making music together in Chamber Music Festival activities

For Young Ones
August 8-11: Rachel Buchman will open the Tune-Up activities with visits to our four island pre-schools. Rhythm and movement will be matched with musical storytelling. Family and staff sessions included. All programs take place at the respective preschool facility.

Monday August 15 at 1 p.m.: The culmination of Ms. Buchman’s time with our young ones, pre-school staff and families will be celebrated at the annual Festival Children’s Concert presented at Orcas Center. Musical storytelling and a (surprise) visit by baritone Philip Cutlip are season highlights. The concert is free however courtesy tickets are necessary and can be reserved through the Box Office, 376-2281 or on-line

Student Musicians’ Tune-Up Workshop
Tuesday, August 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Rachel will lead a full-day session in the Madrona Room for student musicians of all instrumental interests including band, string, and keyboard in a workshop intended to refresh skills, map out a practice strategy, music and score analysis, and exercises to help participants enhance musical dynamics through movement and anticipation. The Tune-Up group will attend a reserved Festival rehearsal and have brown-bag lunch with Festival musicians. Basic qualification for attendance: ability to read music, familiarity with time signatures, and ability to play the C and G scales.

Tuition for the full-day Tune-Up session, the pre-school visits and attendance at the Children’s Concert are sponsored by Phyllis and Bob Henigson.

The Gryphon Trio (Violinst Annalee Patipatanakoon, seated; Cellist Roman Borys, standing and Pianist James Parker -- also the brother of OICMF Artistic Advisor Jon Kimura Parker) will conduct the Master Classes during the Chamber Music Festival in August

Master Classes for Students and Community Musicians
Thursday, August 18 1-3 p.m.  Master Class for community musicians. The Gryphon Trio will host individual sessions for violin, cello and piano followed by ensemble training. Trio members count music education among their top joys. “We work with community musicians in both urban and rural settings across Canada and America. It is one of our missions – to enhance the experience of music for each person we meet.”

Thursday, August 25 from 1  to 3 p.m., Master Class for student musicians of violin, cello and piano. Advanced beginner level and ability to read music required. Students are invited to register with a prepared piece in mind to present for coaching. Register through the Festival Office at 376-6636.

Tuition for both the Adult and Student Master Classes is sponsored by Lauren Schuler-Donner.

All sessions will take place at the Festival venue at Orcas Center unless otherwise indicated. To register and for additional information contact the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival office at 376-6636.