A special meeting will precede the regular County Council meeting for a 9 a.m. Broadband/Emergency Services/Wireless review of proposed legal changes to hearing draft  with Randall Gaylord, Prosecutor.

After  the regular meeting begins at 10 a.m. the Council will turn to:

  • Finalize Solid Waste Management Plan – Elizabeth Anderson, Solid Waste Planner
  • Semi-Annual Permitting Review and Semi-Annual Code Enforcement Review – Rene Beliveau, Director Community Development & Planning
  • Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) Resolution re: water access grant application to acquire Buckhorn Road Beach [Hardman parcel] – Lincoln Bormann, Director Land Bank
  • 2012 Budget Emergency and Supplemental Appropriations – Milene Henley, Auditor
  • Community Wildlife Protection Plan – Steve Marler, Fire District Chief; Mike Harris Former Orcas Fire Chief
  • San Juan Island Solid Waste Site Strategy – Frank Mulcahy, Director Public Work
  • Public Safety Sales Tax Ordinance  – Rich Peterson, Council Member; Howie Rosenfeld, Council Member

A previously scheduled public hearing To Consider an Ordinance on Solid Waste Debt Long-Term Funding has been postponed until May 8.

Council member reports and updates are scheduled for 3 p.m. The public is welcome to attend all meetings of the County Council, usually held on Tuesday mornings in Friday Harbor.