Maureen Mullen and Dave Page, the Grand Inquisitors of Trivia Night

Contributed by S. Jaen Black

I never do crossword puzzles.  The longest word in my vocabulary is…probably vocabulary, but still, I decided to give Trivia Night at the Outlook Inn a try.

Walking into the bar, I could tell there was a lot of electricity in the room.  Maureen Mullen presided as pit boss, passing out the paperwork, assigning tables.  Five teams with up to six players took to the field.

Dave Page, a stern taskmaster, took the call of the play, which was ten questions in four different categories.  He barked out questions until sweat was streaming from his brow.  Everyone was whispering to all their teammate, formulating answers to the brutal inquisition.  Eyes flashing, ice in drinks rattling, man, it was war, and a TON of fun.

Come check it out, and by the way, an elephant gestation period is twenty-one months, not five years…Bring those inquiring minds on down…Great food, great drinks, use your head for more than a place to store curly fries….

Trivia Night is Thursdays at the Outlook Inn at 7 p.m. Register in advance at 376-2200.

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