September 30 – October 6 , 2013

from Triana Elan, Astrologer

Oh, my. Our week begins with the Cardinal Grand Cross that continues to cause an enormous amount of unnecessary roughness and noise. Once the Grand Cross dismantles, what’s left is a load of planets arguing with each other and a whole lot of crabbiness in the air.

The good news is that Pluto, Neptune, Mercury and Saturn are singing to each other in a very harmonious fashion, indicating that everything is going to be okay ultimately. So, go ahead and shut down the government or whatever because all of this upper level dysfunction is revealing the dying gasps of a system that is no longer relevant. The long-term is looking good so we just need to dance through the noise and find that beat that we can move with and stay with it.

The New Moon this week will be in Libra, though not well aspected. This is a very good week to cut loose what doesn’t work and let the chips fall. It’s a kind of, “you’re wasting your time rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic” kind of week. Stay with what works and don’t try to force a hand because the level of reactivity and equal and opposite results is just too high.

Pluto and Neptune tell me that no matter what happens, we’ll be okay. The stars have never let me down, so I’m going to believe it and dance with the rest of you!




Libra (September 22 – October 23): Your sector of Finances/Resources is lit up brilliantly due to several planets still in a powerful multiple trine with imaginative Neptune. As long as you are appealing to the senses in some way through music or art, you’re a happy camper. This is a time when people want to escape from the daunting bigger picture that is being erased and redrawn at lightning speed but you can mark your spot by doing what you do best and staying focused. Don’t try to expand much beyond where you can see right now due to conflicting influences. If you’re found a good slot, stay in it and keep networking to further pad your nest.




Scorpio (October 24- November 22): This week is cantankerous and argumentative and angry and icky. Except for you water signs. If you’re someone in charge of something or other people you have a stellar opportunity to steer the ship in the right direction for the common good as long as you remain flexible and aware of the underpinnings. You’re not a sign to mess around with distractions because you aim right for the source. This is very good for you and your closer circle; your ability to express yourself in such a way as to lead others to a point of focus is highlighted now and badly needed. Use it!




Sagittarius (November 23 – December 20): This isn’t a good week for you fun-loving archers because so many others are focused on the dustups influenced by the planets this week. Your optimism may be dampened by naysayers and fear mongers, so you’ll have to search harder for cheery company. This is a good week to cherish your animal friends since they are of the mind that they just want love and food. Keep it simple this week and be very wary of situations that seem too good to be true. Put your arrows away for now and get yourself some good food and movies that make you feel good. This week will be a rough ride because of reactionary folk; you may as well make some popcorn and sit back to watch the show.




Capricorn (December 21 – January 20): Pluto in your sign is still so beautifully aligned with the water sign planets that you are likely a very happy camper right now as you watch the storms pass. In general this is a very cranky week up there with the Grand Cross changing into a dysfunctional mess that will show up on the bigger stage of life and also in many people’s lives. You may hit some potholes this week but if you’re paying attention, you’ll see them coming and maneuver around them. Keep your thoughts steady and look at the facts if you can see them. Don’t let opinions rule the day or you’ll wind up really bummed out.




Aquarius (January 21 – February 20): This week is going to be full of kinks and rules that don’t make sense to you but let it ride for now. You are the air sign with an intuitive side since you used to be a water sign, so tap into the incredible strong trines that are the only things we have going for us right now and keep your ear to the ground. Almost everything on the surface is going to be a mess and in disarray; you have the advantage of doing well in chaos for short periods of time (if you’re not causing it yourself). Accept short-term answers for now because the long view is still just too muddled to comprehend. Use that magic wand liberally and stay away from unnecessary negative thoughts. I say unnecessary because some things are reality and not nice to have to deal with and some things are just nattering little voices. Wisdom will help you know the difference.




Pisces (February 21 – March 20): Your Ruler Neptune is holding court in your sign and funneling loads of information to Mercury in your sector of Expansion; it’s very likely that you’re thinking altruistically now but this week’s gnarly other aspects may bring you up short and may you cry. Don’t stick your neck out too far! The good news is that Pluto the Transformer is in a terrific position with Neptune and ultimately everything will right itself, with or without your help/interference/intervention so participate as you wish. The other option is to relax with a hot beverage and watch it all.




Aries (March 21- April 19): This week is looking kind of icky. The Grand Cross that we saw at the end of last week is still hanging around and when that’s finished at midweek everything kind of goes nuts in a disjointed kind of way. What that means for you is more than the usual number of inconveniences and dumb stuff happening that you didn’t anticipate. No fault of your own, so don’t berate yourself unless you ignored good advice and are now paying the consequences. Even if that’s the case, no use bashing yourself over it; just get on with it. If you throw attention toward fanciful thoughts, daydreaming or otherwise distracting yourself it may well pay off since there is still a very profound bunch of good stuff happening between the water signs that rule that domain.




Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Uh, oh. This could be a rough week for you due to the lingering Grand Cross that has you running in circles and its aftermath later in the week. The planets are pretty cantankerous this week except for the strong trines going on in water signs. Not a lot of solid anything for you to hang onto so hopefully you’ll be able to find your feet and keep walking. You’re smart enough to know when something is amiss; if something doesn’t make sense there is something wrong with it so don’t be afraid to call a spade a spade. Your social life may be quite active yet draining; others around you may be having high drama attacks so keep that in small doses.





Gemini (May 21- June 20): Right now your Ruler Mercury is your strongest ally; it is beautifully positioned to receive loads of good stuff from Neptune and Jupiter, Now in Scorpio, Mercury is interpreting a huge amount of information from the depths of consciousness and beaming it from your sector of Work/Health. The quality of the information you receive is of utmost importance so don’t try to skip any steps or take any shortcuts because you’ll miss the point completely and if anyone hates looking stupid, it’s you! Keep reading.




Cancer (June 21 – July 22): This week may be very good for you due to the beautiful water sign trines and Jupiter in your sign unless you got flooded by the recent storms emotionally or from the rain storms). You are one of the lucky ones right now even though the Grand Cross that is still with us morphs into a really nasty set of aspects on the larger stage that will have everyone very cross one way or another. It’s a cranky week in general but being the type you are, your home is your sanctuary and hopefully you can comfortably ride the week out. Solitude is your best friend right now.




Leo (July 23 – August 22): Well. We have a rather ugly bunch of aspects this week that tarnish the shine on your smile but you can get through it with your quiet determination. Mars in your sign is in conflict with just about everything so back off this week and don’t try to be forceful or expect others to hole to your standards because that’s not going to happen. It’s a very messy week in more ways than one and it’s going to stay that way until around the middle of October. Don’t take these things personally because while you are affected, it’s not about you. You can maneuver around the potholes by knowing where they are so pay attention.




Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Since each of us is in charge of our own actions, how you react to this week is entirely in your own hands. It’s going to be a messy week on a larger scale but the water sign trines are in your favor so in some ways you’re ahead of the game. Let’s just hope you’ve built a dam! The changes you are making to your life are governed by those very same water signs and you’re following a “ping.” You can’t see it or know where it will take you but all the same, it’s a necessary change or project that will benefit you in the long term. Stay on that course and maintain your focus amongst all the noise around you.