Trent England, Vice President of the Freedom Foundation, comes to Orcas this weekend

From Cindy Carter of the Eagle Forum

What is an electoral college and why do our Presidents get elected with one?

Freedom Foundation’s VP Trent England will be on Orcas to answer those questions plus tell us why he has traveled around the country to keep the electoral college in place. Trent is an energetic and entertaining speaker who will keep all ages interested in this topic.

The seminar will be held Saturday morning, the 27th of October at the Senior Center at 10 a.m. Cost is $5/Student $15 for Adults if pre-registered. Cost is more at the door. Contact Cindy Carter ( or 376-2187) to pre-register today.

Trent will also be speaking about the state of the state on Friday night, October 26th, at a potluck dinner at the Senior Center. All will enjoy this time of camaraderie and updates at the Senior Center at 5:30 p.m.

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