The romance of the rails is the part of the great American "Journey Story" displayed in the Smithsonian exhibit coming to Orcas Historical Museum this summer.

The Orcas Island Historical Museum will train Tour Guides for this summer’s Smithsonian Exhibit “Journey Stories” today at 4 p.m.

“Journey Stories” chronicles the initial settlement of the East Coast and  the movement westward, and celebrates the freedom to travel that Americans enjoy.

The exhibit will arrive at Orcas on July 14 for installation and opening on July 17. From then through August 29, the musem will be open seven days a week.

“That means that the Museum will need new volunteers,” says Journey Stories Chair Andrea Cohen. Orcas Islanders are welcome to serve as Tour Guides, and to help dismantle, store and install the Museum’s exhibits.

To help, call Cohen or Heather Wallace at the museum, 376-4849.

Today’s general training will be followed by a specific training session on July 15 or July 16.  The exhibit organizers can schedule around volunteers’ availability during the Smithsonian exhibit.

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