The 4-H Horse Carolers, a familiar sight around Christmas time in Eastsound

An annual yuletide tradition continued on Friday, Dec. 23 as the Orcas Island Trailblazer 4H Horse Club joined forces with the Orcas Brass Quintet to carol with their horses on a wet and grey Friday.

Nine horseback singers and the brass band left from the Orcas Elementary School at 10:30 a.m., riding down North Beach Road, stopping at various places along the way. Daria Stankevich, one of the carolers, reported that “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” were repeat favorites.

Stops included Darvill’s Bookstore, Moonglow Craft Shop and Pawki’s Pet Supply, before backtracking on Prune Alley. The last stop was at the Public Library, before returning to the elementary school. Along the way, about a dozen townsfolk joined the traveling troubadours.

Those interested in joining the 4-H Equestrians should call Lorena Stankevich at 376-7048. If interested in horseback riding lessons, call Alicia Miller at 376-3074.