From Anita Holladay

Mary “Sasayitha” Wagner, Coast Salish native and Orcas pioneer

Please join us this coming weekend in a series of events welcoming our friends, elder Mary “Sasayitha” Wagner and her son Paul “Che oke’ ten” Wagner back to Orcas Island. Mary was born in an old style “big house” or longhouse of her (Coast Salish) Saanich tribe of Vancouver Island in the early 1930s, and lived with her very traditional family on Orcas Island for a time when she was a child.

Sasayitha/Mary is a speaker of her native language (as is her son). She was taught by her mother to communicate with animals, and many of her stories reflect this gift.

This coming Sunday, July 22, she will share stories of her life and her people’s traditions from 3 until around 4 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall on Haven Rd. in Eastsound.

After a dinner break, the evening will resume (6:30–8 p.m.) with a concert by Che oke’ ten, featuring his  beautiful and meditative Native American flute, frame drum and storytelling. Che oke’ten shares his music on award-winning CDs and travels internationally as a cultural ambassador. A donation of $10 by adults is suggested for the concert but no one will be turned away.

Paul “Che oke’ ten”  Wagner will perform on the Native American flute, frame drum and storytelling.

Then, at 8 p.m., you are welcome to join us for a Red Cedar Circle, where your interaction is welcomed as we all sing, drum, pray, dance, and encourage the telling of stories in the Northwest Coast tradition of  Si-si-wiss (Sacred Breath). The circle will probably go on till around 10:30 though you may come and leave whenever you need to. You are welcome to bring finger food snacks to share during the circle, as well as drums and rattles, and children are warmly welcomed. All the above events are at Odd Fellows. Please contact Che at 376-4012 for more information. (Paul also plays the Zimbabwean mbira and while nothing is formally scheduled, don’t be surprised if some mbira playing with local friends happens either during the concert or during or after the circle.)

The previous afternoon, Saturday July 21, Che oke’ ten will teach a workshop on making Dream Catchers. The time is 3:30–6 p.m., and the place is the Healing Arts Center Annex, 453 North Beach Road (rear building) in Eastsound. Workshop fee of $25 includes all the natural materials such as prayerfully gathered red cedar, deer leather and sinew, feathers & glass beads. Che oke’ ten will share traditional teachings and songs, and give a flute blessing to the finished hoops. Please contact Anita Holladay (376-2095)  to register, as we need to know that some people will be coming, but drop-ins are okay too as there should be plenty of materials.

The schedule:
Sat., July 21, 3:30-6 p.m., Healing Arts Center Annex, Dream Catcher Workshop

Sun., July 22, Odd Fellows Hall
3–4 p.m., Talk with Sasayitha (Mary Wagner)
6:30– 8 p.m. Concert (flute/drum/storytelling) Che oke’ten (Paul Wagner)
8–10:30 p.m. Red Cedar Circle (participatory song/drumming/prayer/dancing, with story sharing)— Che oke’ten (Paul Wagner), Che Blaine, possibly Sasayitha