Additional Afternoon Sessions on Orcas Recycling Services and  Repeal of  Flow Control Ordinance

 — by Margie Doyle —

Rick Hughes, at left, leads Orcas Town Hall. To Rick's right are Milene Henley, Mike Thomas, Gulliver Rankin and Colin Maycock

Rick Hughes, at left, leads Orcas Town Hall last year. To Rick’s right are County Auditor Milene Henley, County Manager Mike Thomas, EPRC chair Gulliver Rankin and Senior County Planner Colin Maycock

The San Juan County Council will hold its next meeting on Orcas Island on Tuesday, May 20. It is expected to be an all-day session, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall. County Council members Rick Hughes, Bob Jarman and Jamie Stephens will be present; County staff planning to be in attendance are Manager Mike Thomas, Public Works Head Frank Mulcahy, Planning and Community Development Director Sam Gibboney, and County Engineer Rachel Dietzman.

After introductory business at 10 a.m., including public comments, the agenda for the meeting calls for:

  • PUBLIC HEARING: A. To Adopt an Ordinance Amending Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) Franchise Agreement granted in Resolution 178-1988 and Amended by Resolution 35-2004 – Mike Thomas, County Manager
  • PUBLIC HEARING B. To Adopt an Ordinance Amending San Juan County Code Section 16.50.265 Farm and Conservation Land – Mike Thomas, County Manager
  • DISCUSSION: Islands Trust Preview – Rick Hughes, Council Chair
  • DISCUSSION: Status and Planned Expansion of Orcas Island Library – Donna Riordan, Library Trustee
  • DISCUSSION: Public Works Update – Frank Mulcahy, Director Public Works; Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer

A recess is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m. when the meeting will re-adjourn. Afternoon business includes:

  • DISCUSSION: Eastsound Subarea Plan Update – Sam Gibboney, Director of Community Development & Planning; Colin Maycock, Senior Planner
  • DISCUSSION: Eastsound Planning & Review Committee (EPRC) Update – Clyde Duke, Chair
  • DISCUSSION: Rock Island Franchise Agreement (1st touch) – Mike Thomas, County Manager
  • DISCUSSION: : Flow Control Ordinance (2nd touch) – Mike Thomas, County Manager
  • DISCUSSION: Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) Update – Pete Moe, Executive Director ORS
  • COUNCIL MEMBER, COUNTY MANAGER & CLERK UPDATES: Potential Advisory Committee Appointments/Reappointments:Charles Binford, Sandra Watters, Michael Durland to DHPRC; Clyde Duke and Ken Katz to EDRS; Clyde Duke and Ken Katz to EPRC

Thanks to Peg Manning for updates