Saturday, August 10 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Explore the Early Lime Industry of the San Juan Islands wtih Boyd Pratt and Steve Cohan.

Explore the Early Lime Industry of the San Juan Islands with Boyd Pratt and Steve Cohan.

Boyd Pratt is an architectural historian from San Juan Island. His extensive research coupled with a delightful storytelling style brings to life the fascinating process of quarrying and processing limestone in the 19th century.

Steve Cohan, the stone mason responsible for restoration of the Judd Cove lime kiln, will join us to explain and demonstrate the use of lime in the preparation of fine mortar. Meet at the Judd Cove Preserve parking area off of Fowler Way on the Orcas Road turnoff to Crow Valley Road.

This walk is sure to delight anyone interested in the cultural history of Orcas Island.