Thursday, Nov. 13 at 5 p.m. at Community Church

— by Sue Lewis —

Tom & Karen Ritter

Tom & Karen Ritter

The Cancer Support Group will meet in the Fireside Room of the Community Church on Thursday, November 13, at 5 p.m.  The featured speakers will be Tom and Karen Ritter who are both cancer survivors

In 2001 Tom as diagnosed with prostate cancer.  They were told the top specialist was a urologist named Dr. James Gottesman in Seattle.  Tom’s biopsy confirmed the diagnosis and in June 2001 he had surgery to remove the prostate.  By September he was back to his old self.  He credits early detection and following the doctor’s instructions for his fast recovery.  Today, 13 years later, he is still cancer-free.

Karen’s first encounter with cancer was in 2012 with a small melanoma on her ear.  This was caught early and successfully removed.  It had not metastasized and she has had no further problems with skin cancer.  However, last year her mammogram showed a small lump in her breast. The lump was removed and she needed no further medical treatment.

Both Tom and Karen are cancer free today.  Come to our meeting and hear their full story.  It will encourage you to know that it can be done.  There will also be time for individual sharing.  We are here for those in all stages of this journey.  We are all in this together.  We hope to see you on Thursday November 13th at 5 p.m. For further information call Bogdan or Carol at 376-4198.