Contributed by Phil Heikkinen

The public is invited to an Obama Party Celebration at the Outlook Inn’s Victorian Room today, January 20 – Inauguration Day – from 5 to 8 p.m. The event is in conjunction with Obama parties going on around the country coordinated by

The event will also honor Sharon Abreu’s work on the proposal for a National Strategy for Sustainability, which ranked in the Top Ten proposals on this past week in its Ideas competition. Over 7,800 proposals were submitted.

The Outlook event is an hors d’oeuvres potluck – only non-perishable d’oeuvres requested. Please do not bring drinks.
Abreu writes:

The no-host bar will be open! There will be an AV program of the inaugural events to broadcast, and our event will be connected with celebrations around the world! Festive attire is encouraged, especially the color purple to represent the blending of blue and red!

  • Admission is $5 at the door.
  • $150 will go to pay for the room rental. Any additional money collected will go to Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education (, run by Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz, Shoshana Avree will announce Abreu’s award at the party and Sharon will say a few words about the proposal and the competition.
  • Samara Shaw and Magda Mische would like to know if anyone would like to put some energy into making a banner for the party. If so, please contact them as soon as you can:
  • Samara Shaw at
  • Magda Mische at
  • Also, if anyone has access to a laser printer and can assist printing some support materials, please contact Nancy at
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