We hope you had a great holiday and are thriving during this cold weather spell we’ve been having.
This is a fragile time for your water pipes. We have received several calls in the past few days to turn off water meters due to frozen pipes.

As we talked to members, we keep repeating a few tips that we thought would benefit all of our customers. Here are a few things we think would be a good idea during a freezing spell like the one we are having now – and that may continue into next week:

  • Let your indoor faucets run. A trickle of hot and cold water might be all it takes to keep your pipes from freezing. Let warm water drip overnight when temperatures are cold, preferably from more than one faucet inside your home.

Other things you could do if time and resources permit:

  • Adjust your thermostat. Keeping your thermostat set at the same temperature during both day and night also reduces the risk of frozen pipes. During extreme cold, this also helps reduce the strain on your furnace if you have one.
  • Open cabinet doors. This will warm un-insulated pipes under sinks and appliances near exterior walls.
  • Insulate pipes. Pipe insulation in your home’s crawl spaces and attic helps. Exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing. Remember, the more insulation you use, the better protected your pipes will be.
  • Use heat tape or heat cables. Heat tape or thermostatically controlled heat cables can be used to wrap pipes. Closely follow all manufacturer’s installation and operation instructions.
  • Seal air leaks. Locate and thoroughly seal leaks that allow cold air inside your home. Look for air leaks around electrical wiring, dryer vents and pipes, and use caulk or insulation to keep the cold out.
  • Secure outdoor hoses, valves and faucets. Disconnect garden hoses and, if possible, use an indoor valve to shut off and drain water from pipes leading to outside faucets. This reduces the chance of freezing in the short span of pipe just inside the house.

Good luck out there, and be safe during the last stretch of the year.