Monday, March 26, 6 – 9 p.m., Odd Fellows Hall

— from Jack Blackburn and John Clancy —

Tim Forbes — builder, permaculturist, adventurer, and lover of life — will be celebrating his 69th birthday on Monday, March 26, from 6 to 9 pm at the Odd Fellows Hall. The party is open to the Orcas Island community and others, many of whom have not seen him since he fell from his roof while repairing it four years ago, injuring his spinal cord.

While Tim’s injury has limited his mobility, it has not limited his spirit in any way. He continually pursues his own healing, finding ways to enhance his strength and endurance. An Orcas Island resident for more than forty years, he sustains his connections with many long-time friends here and elsewhere. Tim shares his indomitable enthusiasm and joy with many, providing special healing advice for people with illnesses. And he connects friends in need with other friends who can supply those needs.

Tim remains involved in building, a special love of his. Since the accident he has designed and shared his expertise in construction projects that have almost doubled the size of his cabin off White Beach Road near Diamond Point. Most recently, Tim has tried to help the Lummi acquire old-growth cedar logs for construction of a traditional longhouse on Madrona Point, their ancestral land.

If you haven’t seen Tim in awhile, Monday evening is a great opportunity to celebrate with him and give him the gift of community, something that he cherishes as much as the beauty and potential he continues to see and create in his daily life.

For more information about the event, please call: 360-376-5460.