Vicki Vandermay has received 775 votes in the race for Orcas Park and Rec Commissioner

Vicki Vandermay has received 775 votes in the race for Orcas Park and Rec Commissioner #1

Marian O'Brien has received 772 votes in the Orcas Park and Rec Commissioner #1 race.

Marian O'Brien has received 772 votes in the race for Orcas Park and Rec Commissioner #1

The election for the only contested position in the voter-approved new Ocas Park and Recreation District now stands with Marian O’Brien trailing and Vicki Vandermay by only three votes.

The latest vote count of 1547 ballots shows that Vandermay has received 775 votes, while O’Brien has received 772.The latest results were posted at 2:52 p.m. this afternoon. The next vote count is scheduled to be posted Nov. 13.

Of 7,665 ballots cast in the Nov. 3 election, there are still 100 ballots left to count. Only Orcas Island ballots will be counted in the Park and Rec Commissioner race. There are 11,542 registered voters in San Juan County.