As with many of the wonderful activities which take place here on Orcas every year, Friends of the Orcas Island Library (FOIL) very reluctantly canceled last Winter’s Book Sale. That was early in the course of the pandemic. As conditions worsened both within Washington State, and elsewhere, the Library itself was forced to close.

Then the Summer Library Fair was also canceled. Even the ever popular Holiday Tea, where we show our appreciation of the Orcas
community’s support for the Library, could not take place.

The Winter Book Sale, the Summer Library Fair (and book sale) and the sale of books from the Friends Corner in the Library lobby are made possible by the generous donation of books by the community.

These sales generate most of the income which the Friends use to fund annual grants to the Library.

Due to the reduced revenues which cancellation of the fund-raising events has led to, the grant this coming new year will be slightly less than in the recent past. Nevertheless, FOIL is still able to lend valuable support to the several reading groups the Library hosts, to the ongoing program of lectures (online for now), and to building the Library’s collection of books and media.

Members support FOIL through their membership dues and often generous donations. New and renewing members are critical to our mission which is to support the Library. Membership in the Friends is available to all (see the link to the FOIL website on the Library’s website, or contact us via the Library staff who are happy to help).

There is still time to pick up a stocking stuffer, or three, from the wide selection of books the Friends offer which are available for purchase in the Library Lobby. Happy Holidays to all.

Stay safe and as we are sure you do, we are looking forward to a New Year.