Since the last update on Friday October 8, there have been 20 new confirmed or probable cases in San Juan County. Current total case count is now 332. Of these 20 new cases, initial investigations indicate that 3 appear to have occurred in fully vaccinated individuals. There are approximately 9 unvaccinated close contacts of positive cases currently in quarantine in the islands.

  • LOPEZ ISLAND: There are 0 new cases on Lopez Island since the last update. There are no positive cases under active monitoring on Lopez Island.
  • ORCAS ISLAND: There are 16 new cases on Orcas Island since the last update. There are 16 positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island. Note that 15 of these cases on Orcas Island are connected to a single outbreak tied to a private indoor social event.
  • SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 4 new cases on San Juan Island since the last update. There are 4 positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island.

THANKS TO OUR SCHOOLS! Public schools on Lopez, Orcas, and San Juan Islands have been operating robust rapid testing programs. Though extremely labor intensive, these efforts have proven vital to identifying cases and limiting the impact of infections. Both Orcas and Lopez schools are also participating in a PCR testing program that allows for prompt follow-up on positive rapid tests- a very valuable additional tool in limiting spread.

Since the start of school, each of these districts have worked hand in hand with the Health Department to respond to cases in their community, and so far, the combination of thoughtful safety protocols in the schools and effective testing and contact tracing have limited impacts. All island residents owe a debt of gratitude to the school leaders and staff who have embraced this vital responsibility.

THIRD DOSE BOOSTERS! Appointments are now open for third dose Pfizer boosters for some eligible islanders. Review this FAQ to check eligibility. If eligible, go HERE to register for clinics that are happening the week of October 18.

FLU SHOTS! The County will be hosting free flu vaccine clinics. Go HERE for details on timing and to register.

MODERNA and J&J BOOSTERS: While an initial FDA panel has approved Moderna boosters (and is reviewing J&J today), final CDC determination will likely not occur for at least another week or two. If and when additional boosters are approved, plans to offer boosters to eligible islanders will be shared with the community.


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