— from Mandy Troxel —

salmonberry_daffodilsFor the past 15 years, Salmonberry School of Orcas Island has offered a holistic learning experience for children ages 3-12. What is Holistic Education? In a nutshell, Holistic Education nurtures the intellectual and imaginative capabilities of the “whole child” through authentic learning experiences rich in language, literature, science, craft, and the arts.

What does Holistic Education look like? We’re glad you asked! During the months of April and May, Salmonberry is offering a number of community events for children and their families to delve a little deeper into what makes Salmonberry special.

“Drop-in Days” are a school-wide open doors event for interested prospective students or community members to spend part or all of the day at Salmonberry. There are two dates: Tuesdays, April 5 and May 24.

On Thursday, April 28 at 12:45pm, all are welcome at the Salmonberry Spring Festival, a beloved annual event for many island families. Please join us for an afternoon of crafts, baby farm critters, and a dance around the maypole.

On Monday, May 9 at 5pm, Salmonberry is pleased to host a Sing-along potluck and Open House. Tom Rawson and Mandy Troxel will lead a musical hootenanny, Salmonberry style. All are welcome!

For more information, please contact Paul Freedman at 376-6310 or email info@salmonberryschool.org.