Eastsound’s own Island Hoppin’ Brewery will be featured at the Meal on the Village Green

By Madie Murray

Some of the best Island chefs will be preparing incredible dishes, and you’ll have a chance to sample Eastsound’s Island Hoppin’ Brew if you attend the first ever Harvest Meal of the Village Green benefiting the Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program!

On the evening of October 7 at 4 p.m., Guests will be gathering around a long, linen-draped table under a protective tent (just in case it’s sprinkling and so we can also offer beer on tap from our own Island Hoppin’ Brewery as well as Northwestern wines, ciders and meads.)

After visiting and getting comfortable at the invitingly set table, mouth-watering dishes made with ingredients fresh from an Island farm will be served “pass the platter” style by Christina Orchid of Red Rabbit Farm, Geddes Martin of the Inn at Ship Bay, Charles Dalton of The Kitchen, Seamus Platt – the new chef of Doe Bay Cafe, John Steward of Maple Rock Farm and Madden Surbaugh of New Leaf Cafe.

There will be no speeches, no auctions or paddle raises. It’s simply a celebration of community, friends and how fortunate we are to have such wonderful, fresh organic food available to us and our families, literally right in our own back yard.

Since seating is limited and you want to be at this unusual and unique event, we recommend you get your tickets NOW…It’s just around the corner!    Go online to www.oief.org/events.html or stop by the Orcas Chamber Office.

Then just come and enjoy.