— from Lena Kassa for Orcas Senior Center —

Orcas Senior Center is pleased to announce new roles at the nonprofit. John Slater has taken on a larger role as the Program and Activities Coordinator. Look for new and exciting ventures from John, including a new lecture series titled, Connecting the Dots. John will continue to coordinate the Hearts and Hands Program.

The Orcas District Committee also welcomes Erica Bee as Vice-chair and Diane Craig as Secretary. Erica is an experienced Licensed Practical Nurse, caregiver for seniors, and professional educational administrator. Diane is a writer, editor, and has held management positions in publishing and nonprofits.

If you are interested in becoming a member of Orcas District Committee, please contact Lena at 360-376-7929 or lena@orcasseniors.org.

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