— from Safe Ride Home Orcas & Hops on the Rock —

The Second Annual Hops on the Rock Beer Festival is right around the corner! This year organizers will be working closely with Safe Ride Home Orcas to make sure everyone gets home safe and sound.

Safe Ride Home Orcas—a fledgling organization with sights set on a year round service for our community—will be coordinating teams of drivers, working in shifts throughout the evening and into the wee hours, to drive folks home after the day’s festivities…for FREE! The only thing asked of participants: Do anything you can to get as many people into town with as few vehicles as possible and let Safe Ride Home Orcas take care of the rest. We encourage festival-goers to carpool, hitchhike, taxi, teleport – WHATEVER IT TAKES – to eliminate the temptation of driving home drunk. Safe Ride Home Orcas will get you home safe Hosting a carpool? Feel free to park your car overnight in the upper parking lot at the Community Church.

Getting home Saturday night is simple: Just look for the “Safe Ride Home” table at the festival on Saturday to request your safe ride between the hours of 3:00pm-7:00pm or 10:00pm-2:00am. We’ll have all the information you’ll need about where and when to meet for your ride… done!

As you can imagine, making this happen will require a host of volunteers. If you’re interested in helping out, sign up at saferidehomeorcas.org. Please spread the word and BE SAFE OUT THERE!

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**