— by Lin McNulty —

Orcas Has Talent Jr. winner Stormy  Hildreth will compete in finals. Photo: Suzana Roach, OrcasIslandPhotos.com

Orcas Has Talent Jr. winner Stormy Hildreth will compete in finals. Photo: Suzana Roach, OrcasIslandPhotos.com

Saturday afternoon and evening The Grange was packed to standing room only as contestants vied for a chance to move to the Orcas Has Talent Finals on February 8, 7:30 p.m., at Orcas Center.

Orcas Has Talent, Jr.
The Junior division competition was held in the afternoon, and showcased the talents of nine young performers in seven separate acts.

Performers were “mentored” (no judging, here), on (1) stage presence, (2) technical ability, and (3) showmanship by the panel which included Bob Shipstad, Deborah Sparks, and Gene Nery. They offered comments and encouragement to each participant. “Keep doing it,” was the main message.

Twelve-year-old Stormy Hildreth walked away the winner in a chilling a cappella rendition of “Oh, Danny Boy.” As the winner, she won $50 and was offered the choice of competing, or just performing, at the upcoming Finals performance with the adults. She chose to compete! “I’m really excited,” she bubbled after the show. “Just really happy!”

Second place was awarded to Anwyn Thomspon and Miette Woolworth in a purely enjoyable piano/vocal duo of Adele’s “Someone Like You.” Third place went to Mackenna Silva, another a cappella singer, who chose a charming version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” complete with Toto and pigtails.

All three selected acts will perform for the Finals.

Orcas Has Talent Adult Auditions
A dozen acts auditioned for a place in the Orcas Has Talent Finals adult competition. This delightful dozen was pared down to eight acts that will move to the next event, as the same panel of mentors faced some tough decisions and “sweated bullets” to make their choices.

Moving on to the next level are:

  • Mikalea Hansen, with her mellow guitar/vocal performance;
  • Almost Classical (Paris Wilson, Lisa Carter, and Emily Carter), in a spirited multi-instrumental/vocal selection;
  • Madi Jane West, who performed a silk aerial dance that was pure grace;
  • Sasha Hagen, who displayed emotional and powerful skills on the violin;
  • Arianna Dean, with a charming, lyrical Celtic a cappella piece;
  • Matthew Laslo, who displayed his cutting magical ability with a member of the audience;
  • Yuko Horikawa, with a hauntingly emotional Japanese vocal;
  • Cali Bagby, who treated the audience to a sorrowful, evocative soprano piece from “The Magic Flute.”

Tickets go on sale today, Monday, at Darvills and are expected to sell out quickly. An overflow audience will be able to watch a live-stream in the Madrona Room. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for students. All net proceeds benefit Point Blank, an Orcas High School organization headed by Julie Pinardi, which is a chapter of the national organization, Students Against Destructive Decisions.

The Finals winner is ultimately chosen by audience vote and will take home a $500 cash prize.