Monday, October 4

Movie Night at the Doe Bay Cafe.  This week’s movie is “Big Night,” a film about two brother’s desperately trying to save their fine Italian resturant by luring a celebrity there and wowing him with their scrumptious food. Free popcorn at showtime, 7:30 p.m.  Free movie, half-priced bottles of wine. Reservations are recommended. 376-8059.

Artsmith Salon Series Starts in Eastsound at 7 p.m. The evening will begin with firedancing by Jamie Mulligan-Smith. Featured writer Michael Kerr will read his work backed by beats by local dj, Owlform. Writers’ open mic welcomes ten-minute reads of original work. As always, free to attend and a totally open forum. Minors welcome. FIRE will be serving their usual dinner and beer menu. 376-2025 and

Tuesday, October 5

Orcas Park & Rec District special public meeting 8-9 a.m. at Enzos, 365 N Beach Rd Agenda to include: the proposed budget, web site, communications & planning.

“Through the Looking Glass” Oct-Nov poetry class first meeting at 1 p.m. at the Orcas Library. $15 for materials. 376-4985.

Toastmasters meets at 6 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. All are welcome.

Wednesday, October 6

Free Prescription take back , 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Continuing every first Wednesday of the month, Ray’s Pharmacy will take back any of your prescriptions that need to be disposed of.  Partnering with the San Juan Prevention Coalition and the San Juan County Sheriff’s Department .

Thursday, October 7

Eastsound Planning Review Committee meets 3-5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

OPALCO  annual Ambassadors’ Legislative Kick-Off meeting, with Representative Jeff Morris. Preview of energy issues that the Washington State Legislature will be addressing in the upcoming session and discuss the importance of energy efficiency. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at OPALCO. RSVP to or call 376-3537.

Cancer Support Group. Topic is “Emotional Well-Being” with guest speaker, Pastor Grant Myles-Era. 5 p.m. at the Orcas Island Community Church. Monthly, free, confidential group for anyone touched by cancer. 376-4198.

Friday, October 8

Saturday, October 9

Writer’s Roundtable 1 p.m. at the Orcas Island Public Library. Free.

Dedication of Sculpture at the Historical Museum Fresh-pressed apple cider will be served along with taste treats. Artist Todd Spalti will give a short talk at 1:30, covering how he got the giant cedar log to Orcas Island, and his experiences during the carving.

Orcas Horns at Orcas Center, 7:30 p.m. Good, clean, funky, fun awaits you with this jazzy new local band. A stellar group of musicians includes Steve Alboucq, Dimitri Stankevich, Jade Ismail, Greg Books, Gene Nery, Martin Lund, Tony Morales, Chris Morton and Bruce Russell. It doesn’t get better than this on Orcas – or perhaps anywhere!  Tickets:  $25, $17 (Orcas Center members), $11 (students). 376-2281.

Sunday, October 10

“The Meaning of Justic in the World Today” Crossroads Lecture at 2 p.m. on Center Stage at Orcas Center. Presented by Louis E. Wolcher a Charles E Stone Professor of Law, University of Washington. Has the meaning of justice changed over time?  Are we willing and able to maintain justice as a priority in public policy? Come join the discussion.  Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the Library and Darvill’s Bookstore. Complimentary tickets are available through the Library and the Senior Center. More information at

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