Monday, Nov. 9

PTSA Writers’ Workshop for Kids series kicks-off with a presentation by local screenwriter Janet Brownell: “Eloise at the Plaza: From Script to Screen”.  In the school library from 3:15 to 4:30 and is designed primarily for kids fourth grade and older, though all are welcome.  There is no charge (though donations to the PTSA are always gratefully accepted).

Artsmith Salon, 7:30 p.m. at Doe Bay Resort Café .  Featured writers Molly Best Tinsley and Elsie McFarland are followed by an open mic. The salon is free to attend and the cafe will be open for dining.

Tuesday, Nov. 10

Veterans Day observance at Orcas Island School 9 a.m.

Judd Cove Preserve Dedication at noon by the San Juan County Land Bank. Take Fowler’s Way to the parking area and follow trail.For more information call 378-4402

Free Lunch and Food Bank at the Orcas Island Community Church, 12:30 to 2 p.m. Open to all.

Friends of the Library, meeting at 3:30 p.m. in the public library.

Eastsound Sewer and Water District, 4:45 p.m. at District offices on Cessna Lane off North Beach Road.

Marine Lecture Series at Camp Orkila. 7 p.m., Jason Wood will give a free public talk entitled Whales, Echolocation and Noise. How whales produce and use sound and how human generated noise can impact them. Free, please take the shuttle from the upper parking lot. Sponsored by Tom Averna (Deer Harbor Charters), and The Gould Family Foundation and co-sponsorship by Barbara Brown, Eclipse Charters, Shearwater Sea Kayak Tours, Jim and Kathy Youngren and West Sound Marina. For more information, call 376-3610.

Orcas Island Fire District Commissioners Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

Wednesday, Nov. 11 Veterans’ Day

American Legion Observance at 11 a.m. at the Legion Hall.

Bees and Butterflies – Orcas Island Garden Club will feature as its speaker, Rhonda Barbieri, a week earlier than its regularly scheduled meeting. Starts at 10 a.m. 376-6110.

County Veterans Advisory Board will have a table at Island Market, where board members will provide more information about available services. All veterans and their families are invited to stop by and say hello. Information available anytime at 370-7632.

Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee regular public meeting from 3:45 and 5:45 p.m. at the Deer Harbor Community Club, located at 4319 Deer Harbor Road.

Pajama Storytime with Dads at 6 p.m. in the library, kids come in pjs and listen to stories read by dads — moms are welcome too! a Family Literacy Month event sponsored by the Orcas Island Library and Orcas Family Connections. 376-4985.

Leaves of Gold Jon Kimura Parker in a concert to benefit the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival. 6:30 p.m. with a Fireside Reception and Auction following.  The evening will help to provide year-round support for Orcas Island’s OICMF music programming and community education. For reserve tickets contact the Chamber Music Festival office at 360.376.6636, toll free at 1.866.492.0003.  The Concert, Reception, plus Auction seating are $150.Visit for more information.

Thursday, Nov. 12

Critical Areas Ordinance update Field trips and workshops as follows:

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Field Trip to Eastsound area wetlands

  • Meet at the upper (gravel) parking lot behind the Outlook Inn, 171 Main St., Eastsound. We’ll take a quick shuttle trip to the Fire Station/Airport area, then walk along the wetland sites back to the Outlook Inn parking lot.
  • The field trip will be facilitated by Jim Kramer, San Juan Initiative staff, with assistance by Amanda Azous, local wetlands specialist and others.
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the weather including boots suitable for walking in wet areas.

5:30 -7:30 p.m. Workshop at the Orcas Senior Center, Eastsound

  • Information and community dialog on local Critical Areas Ordinance issues. The issues to be discussed are summarized in the Position paper Oct. 26, 2009 available from the San Juan County website at

Port of Orcas meeting, 7 p.m. at the Port Offices.

Friday, Nov. 13

Saturday, Nov. 14

Writer’s Roundtable : Author Envy: Remedies for a Common Writer’s Ailment.Presented by Rachel Newcombe. 1 to 3 p.m. at the Library. Free. All are welcome.

Sunday, Nov. 15

Free Community Concert with Classical pianist, Alexander Tchobanov performing Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and Liszt. A native of Bulgaria, Tchobanbov currently resides in Flushing, NY.  Sponsored by Beach Haven Resort in celebration of 70 wonderful years of business on Orcas Island. From 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Orcas Center. 376-2288.

Community Forum at the Senior Center, 5- 7:30 pm. Starting with a Pizza, Salad and Dessert buffet (donations gladly accepted), the night will include music and a talk from Ron Hertel, State Readiness to Learn Coordinator and a co-author of the new book, “The Heart of Learning and Teaching- compassion, resiliency and academic success”. Afterward a community forum, where people can ask questions, get answers, bring up concerns, make connections and share insights will be facilitated by Hertel and Michael Mele. Sponsored by Orcas Island Prevention Partnership. For more information, call 376-1547.