Sunday, April 11

Turtleback Mountain Equestrian Trails Open The Land Bank will host a guided trail ride with Rick Karon and Alicia Miller to introduce folks to the route, fundamentals of backcountry horse etiquette, and trail riding safety, from 2-5 pm. Meet at the North Trailhead (Crow Valley Road) and be ready to ride by 2 pm. Trailer Parking space is limited. This is a 5-6 mile ride with some steep terrain. Horses and riders should be well conditioned and equipped. All riders are asked to register at the trailhead.

A Candle Lighting Commemoration of the Jewish Holocaust and a showing of the documentary film “Raising the Ashes,” will take place at  3 p.m. in the Eastsound Fire Hall Community Room

Free Movie Night at Doe Bay Café, “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” starts at 7:30 p.m. Along with regular meal selections, Sunday evenings the Doe Bay Café offers half price bottles of wine and free popcorn.  As always, table reservations are highly recommended. Call 376-8059

Monday April 12

Molly Wizenberg, author and food blogger, will sign purchased copies of her book, “A Homemade Life”, supplied by Darvill’s Bookstore, at the Episcopal Church Parish Hall at 3:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Orcas Public Library, free to the public.

Darvill’s Book Group meets at 5:30 at Mia’s cafe. Jean Spalti will  guide the discussion of Little Bee by Chris Cleave. Mia will provide coffee or tea and delicious soup at a 10% discount. 376-2135.

Artsmith & Doe Bay Café  Weekly Salon Series 7 p.m. This week features the talents of  poet Dan Raphael with Orcas playwright Samara Shaw. Following the featured writers, audience members will have an opportunity to read their own works in a special Writer’s Open Mic.  All lovers of food, wine and words are welcome!   Performance begins at 7 p.m. Call 376-8059.

Tuesday, April 13

Ferry Advisory Committee meeting from 8:30 until 10:30 a.m. at the Small Conference Room, Legislative Bldg., 55 Second St., in Friday Harbor.

Friends of the Orcas Island Library meet at 3:30 p.m. at the Public Library, 376-4985.

Eastsound Sewer and Water District Meeting, 4:45 p.m. at Sewer District offices off  North Beach Road.

Orcas Island Fire District Commissioners Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Eastsound Fire Hall. 376-2331 for agenda.

Wednesday, April 14

Hazardous Waste Roundup at Orcas Transfer station 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Allowed: Pesticides and other poisons, gasoline and other waste fuels, wood preservatives, oil- oil-based paints and stains, solvents, thinners, pool and photochemicals, resins, mothballs, polishes, degreasers, cleaning products, spent Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and fluorescent light tubes.
Not allowed: Flares, explosives, ammunition, or radioactives. [Please deliver these to the Sheriff’s Office.]
Minumum $8 charge for up to 120 lobs or 15 gals. Call 370-0503 with questions.

Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee Meeting 3:45 p.m. at  Deer Harbor Community Club.

County Public Works Department is holding a Design Workshop for the Mount Baker Road Improvement project on Wednesday  from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.  370-0504

Facebook for Parents, and other cybersafety issues. PTSA meeting with guest speaker Paul Evans, High School Computer Applications instructor. Childcare provided. 5:30 p.m. at the Orcas School Library.

Thursday, April 15

Friday, April 16

Planning Commission Meeting 8:30 a.m. at  Council Chambers, Legislative Building in Friday Harbor.

Saturday, April 17

Cedar Basketmaking Workshop with Vickie Era. A 2-day workshop for those familiar with the craft but wishing to learn some new techniques in design and materials will be held on Saturday, April 17th from 9.a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, April 18 from noon to 4. Call 376-3064.

Student Chef competition Elementary student competition begins at 9:30 a.m. Sixth grade and higher competition starts at 12:30 p.m. Admission at the door will be $10 for adults and kids 0-18 free.  All sponsor and admission proceeds benefit the Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria Program.
OPAL Open House at Wild Rose Meadow, 3 to 5 p.m. Call 376-3191.

OPAL Annual Meeting from 5 to 8 p.m. at Emmanuel Episcopal Church Parish Hall. 376-3191.

Sunday, April 18

Cedar Basketmaking Workshop with Vickie Era. A 2-day workshop for those familiar with the craft but wishing to learn some new techniques in design and materials will continue from Saturday, April 17th to Sunday, April 18 from noon to 4. Call 376-3064.

Coffee and Conversations about the School Bond

  • 12 p.m.  Eastsound – at  70 Seaview Street
  • 12 p.m.  Olga  – at 7047 Olga Road
  • 12 p.m.  Crow Valley — at 2902 Crow Valley Road
  • 4 p.m.  Eastsound – at 326 Longwood Lane

A Orcas Island School Board member will be present at each gathering. All are welcome. To sign up,  call Marian O’Brien at 376-1402 or email

Crossroads Lecture at 2 p.m. “How Hidden Mental Habits Create Unintended Race Discrimination,” with Professor Anthony Greenwald at the Orcas Center. Tickets $10 at the Library and Darvill’s Bookstore. A limited number of complimentary tickets are available in advance.

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