Monday, March 7
CPR Class 7-10 p.m. at Eastsound Fire Hall. You owe it to yourself (and family) to enroll in this free class. A chance to learn from our Paramedics and EMT’s all about life-saving practices you can put to use. Plenty of space available for this class.Call 376-2331.
Artsmith Salon Series continues Poetry reading by Drew Dillhunt from Seattle, who is returning upon request. There will be an open mic session. Writers of all levels are invited to share their original work in this supportive and open forum. The nonprofit event is held monthly at FIRE! Smokehouse and Grill at 7PM. It is free to attend. Call Jennifer at 376-2025.
Percussionist Rob Tucker will visit Orcas Public Schools during the week of March 7 – 11 as part of Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival’s Musician-in-Residence program. Tucker will work primarily with Martin Lund’s band students, and the focus will be on percussion. Tucker is currently the director of the percussion department at Western Washington University in Bellingham. Rob will also conduct a Master Class for community musicians on Wednesday, March 9th from 6 – 7 p.m. in the Music Room at Orcas Public School. Private sessions can be arranged. The cost for the adult classes is $20. To register for the Master Class March 9th or a private class, contact OICMF Executive Director Victoria Parker at 376-6636 or
Movie Night at Doe Bay Cafe starts at 7 p.m., free popcorn at show time, half-priced bottles of wine)Come and enjoy dinner and wine while watching a movie on the big screen. Call the Cafe for movie information and dinner reservations are recommended. 360-376-8059.
Tuesday, March 8
Orcas Island Public Library Board 9 to 11 a.m. at the Public Library. Call 376-4985 for more information.
Friends of the Library meeting, 3 p.m. at the Public Library. 376-4985.
Eastsound Sewer and Water District meeting 4:30 p.m. at district offices on the east side of airport, at end of Cessna Lane.
Sustainable Orcas Island rescheduled from Feb. 23, 5:30 p.m. at the Orcas Island Library, 5L30 p.m.
“Missing Marine Birds: Who’s Flown the Coop?” Marine ScienceLecture with Dr. Ignacio Vilchis, Postdoctoral Fellow, SeaDoc Society. Why study marine birds? In short, they tell us a lot about the health of our ocean. While the 172 bird species that use the Salish Sea are each fascinating in their own right, collectively they also tell a story. When multiple species are declining we can evaluate the reasons why and learn about problems that are impacting multiple parts of the system. 7 p.m. at Camp Orkila.Call Joe Gaydos at 360-376-3910.
Orcas Fire District Commissioners meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Eastsound Fire Hall. Call 376-2331 for more information.
Wednesday, March 9
Master Class for community musicians conducted by Rob Tucker, Musician-in-Residence sponsored by the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, from 6 – 7 p.m. in the Music Room at Orcas Public School. Private sessions can be arranged. The cost for the adult classes is $20. To register for the Master Class or a private class March 7-11, contact OICMF Executive Director Victoria Parker at 376-6636 or
Ferry Advisory Committee Members will join with Tom Cowar, new State Transportation Commissioner and San Juan Islands Ferry Group from 4:30-6 p.m. in the Lopez library meeting room. to provide current information about what is going on with WSF in Olympia and with the San Juan route, and to give participants the opportunity to raise questions and issues of concern. For further information, contact Susan Young at468-2979 or email
Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee 3:45 Tto 5:30 p.m. at the Deer Harbor Community Center). Call 376-3199 for more information. Public is welcome. Regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month.
Thursday, March 10
Orcas Island Park & Recreation District noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Station.
Town Hall Meeting on Orcas. 4 to 6 p.m. at Eastsound Fire Hall. Orcas County Council Members Richard Fralick and Patty Miller will update Orcas citizens on current issues. Items for discussion will be Balancing the Budget in Economically Challenging Times, the Solid Waste Program, the Update of the Critical Areas Ordinance, Shoreline Master Plan Update and other important issues facing the County. An open questions and answers forum will follow this presentation. For more information please contact the Clerk of the County Council at (360) 378-2898.
Cancer Support Group Meeting at Orcas Island Community Church. This group is a monthly, no cost, confidential support group for anyone touched by cancer. Meets 5 the Fireside Room at the Orcas Island Community Church. This month we will be exploring a cancer update from Johns Hopkins University. Did you know that every person has cancer cells and that these cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion? And then what? If you have cancer, know someone who has cancer, or are caretaking for someone with cancer, come to the meeting for information, encouragement, and hope.Call Bogdan or Carol at 376-4198.
Port of Orcas Commissioners meeting 6 p.m at the airport conference room). The Port will meet on the second Thursday of the month at 6 pm. Also, a special meeting has been added: March 24 @ 12 noon. Call 376-5285 for more information.
Friday March 11
Opportunity for Orcas General Contractors Informational Meetings 1 p.m. at the Orcas School Library. The Orcas Island School District is working with the State of Washington’s ESPC (Energy Savings Performance Contracting) Team to develop and implement an energy conservation project at the Nellie S. Milton Building (aka: Orcas Elementary School). This project is being funded primarily through conservation grants provided by OSPI and the Department of Commerce. Interested contractors are requested to come by the Orcas School Library from 1 to 3 p.m. to express interest and to provide information on their capabilities. Interested parties must meet all safety, insurance & state wage requirements. For additional information on these requirements, email:
“How do we educate young people to thrive in a world of possibility?” Education pioneers Charles Kouns and Stella Humphries invite everyone, of all ages to a presentation and conversation from 7 to 9 the Senior Center. You can learn more about Imagine Learning by visiting: or call Samara 376-6771 f
Deer Harbor Community Potluck Join us for our monthly community potluck, 6:30pm, the second Friday of every month, year round. To all Deer Harbor Leprechauns and other island Dwelling mysterious folk. Top of the morning to you and be sure to attend our March 11th, Saint Patrick’s Day Potluck! Please bring a dish to share, your place setting and beverage. Call 376-5404
Crossroads Lecture: Ned Brines, “The Economy: How Do We Get Out Of This Mess?” Noted blogger, asset manager and frequent media guest Ned Brines addresses the questions: How did we get in this predicament? How does the current US financial condition compare with historical crises? What options exist to help us exit this combination of deficit and embedded debt? $10 tickets available at the Orcas Island Public Library, Darvill’s Bookstore, and at the door.7:30 p.m. at Orcas Center on Center Stage.
Saturday, March 12
Writers Roundtable discusses “Waking Up Your Writing with Metaphors” at the Public Lbrary, 1 to 3 p.m. All are welcome.
Sunday, March 13
Orcas Angels Waffle Breakfast, from 8 a.m. to noon at the American Legion Hall. Orcas Angels will be making up some fantastic waffles this Sunday morning! Come eat waffles for a good cause. All proceeds will directly benefit the people of Orcas Island. Visit Orcas Angels at
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