Monday, May 14

HistoryLink videoconference at the Orcas Public Library at 10 a.m. Marie McCaffrey, Executive Director of, the nation’s first encyclopedia of community history created expressly for the Internet. An informal coffee hour will begin at 9 a.m.  at the San Juan Island Library, followed by a 10am presentation about History Link which will be broadcast to the Orcas and Lopez Libraries. McCaffrey is interested in hearing from local historians, teachers and writers about their current projects. Sponsored by the San Juan Islands Scenic Byway Partnership and the San Juan Island Library in celebration of National Historic Preservation Month. For further information, contact Liz Illg, San Juan Islands Scenic Byway Project Coordinator, at 378.6104 or

Community Broadband Forums, on Lopez, Orcas, San Juan and Shaw islands, from May 14-16. Sponsored by OPALCO and the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) to learn more about the broadband project to expand broadband (high-speed internet) access county-wide to OPALCO members – reaching up to 90% of San Juan County. Visit for more information.
ORCAS:   10-11:30 am, Orcas Senior Center
SHAW:   1:30-3 pm, Shaw Community Center

Tuesday, May 15

Community Broadband Forums,  sponsored by OPALCO and the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) to learn more about the broadband project to expand broadband (high-speed internet) access county-wide to OPALCO members – reaching up to 90% of San Juan County. Visit for more information.
LOPEZ:  1:30-3 pm, Lopez Island Woodmen Hall

Wednesday, May 16

Orcas Garden Club Maurice Horn, co-owner of Joy Creek Nursery,  speaks about clematis and treliises. 10 a.m. at Orcas Center

Agricultural Resources Committee Meeting

Community Broadband Forums.  sponsored by OPALCO and the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) to learn more about the broadband project to expand broadband (high-speed internet) access county-wide to OPALCO members – reaching up to 90% of San Juan County. Visit for more information. The broadband community forums will be held:
FRIDAY HARBOR:  12-1:30 pm, Grange Hall
ROCHE HARBOR:  3-4:30 pm, Roche Pavilion

Thursday, May 17

Guest Chef Christina Orchid at Orcas School Cafeteria. Open to the public for $5. Garlic-Smoked Paprika Chicken, corn pudding and rhubarb crumble for dessert, Ciabatta Bread, prepared by the cafeteria staff will also be on the menu, and a salad bar.  11:30 to 12:45 p.m.

Non-Violent Communication, a discussion with Rena Patty, a certified Non-Violent Communication (NVC) trainer at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 17 at the Odd Fellows Hall, located at 112 Haven Rd in Eastsound. Seating will be limited to 30. Please call Elsie McFarland at 376-2323 to reserve your place.

Friday, May 18

National Air and Space Administration (NASA) presentation by one of NASA’s Space Ambassadors, Ward Yohe. 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Doe Bay Yoga Studio.

Islands A Cappellla “Songbirds in Season” at the Shaw Island Community Center 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, May 19

Orcas Angels  Benefit Yard Sale at Country Corner. Accepting softly used donations (no clothing please) — call Lori to make an appointment at 472-0626.

National Air and Space Administration (NASA) presentation by one of NASA’s Space Ambassadors, Ward Yohe. 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Doe Bay Yoga Studio.

Olga Potluck  Annual Meeting of the Membership,Social hour 5:30 p.m dinner 6:30 p.m.  Olga Community Center. Bring a dish to share and a place setting.

Salish Sea Early Music concert “Wilhelmine” with John Schneiderman on baroque lute, cellist John Lutterman and baroque flutist Jeffrey Cohan on Lopez Island at 7: p.m.  at Grace Church at 70 Sunset Lane in Lopez Village. Call (360) 468-3477.

Ten Tiny Dances at the Orcas Center at 7:30 p.m. Ten Tiny Dances brings ten different choreographers together to create short dances to be performed on a 4 x 4 platform. Performers include Kara O’Toole, Laura Ludwig and Charles Dalton. Tickets are $25, $19 (Orcas Center members) and $11 for students and may be purchased on the website or by calling 376-2281 ext. 1 or visiting the Orcas Center box office during box office hours which are Thursday, Friday and Saturday from noon- 4 pm.

Islands A Cappella “Songbirds in Season” at the St. David’s Episcopal Church in Friday Harbor, 4 p.m.

Sunday, May 20

“An Afternoon with Wilhelmine,” with John Schneiderman on baroque lute, cellist John Lutterman and baroque flutist Jeffrey Cohan  at 1:30 PM at Odd Fellows Hall at 112 Haven Road in Eastsound.

History Matinee featuring Emily Reid, 3 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center

Salish Sea Early Music concert “Wilhelmine” with John Schneiderman on baroque lute, cellist John Lutterman and baroque flutist Jeffrey Cohanat 7 p.m. at St. David’s Church at 760 Park Street in Friday Harbor • call (360) 378-5360. Please see