Monday, Jan. 23

Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce  board meeting at 5 p.m. Public is welcome to attend.

Tuesday, Jan. 24

On the Threshold: Adventures in Poetry, JoEllen Moldoff, Facilitator. Nobel Prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney wrote: Poetry is more a threshold than a path, one constantly approached and constantly departed from, at which the reader and writer undergo in their different ways the experience of being at the same time summoned and released. In this 6 week class we will read, discuss and write poetry. A variety of poems will be offered to stimulate the conversation about how poems work and to develop our craft. There will be a variety writing exercises and assignments to help generate new poems. Fee: $15, for copying costs and donation to library– payable to the instructor on the first day of class.1 to 3 p.m. at the public library.

“Orcas Reads” kickoff event, re-scheduled from Tuesday, Jan. 17. 50 free copies of The Bridge of San Luis Rey,  treats and nibbles, schedule of events for the next month. 3:30 p.m. at Episcopal Parish Hall. Free, and open to all.

Eastsound Sewer and Water District meeting (East side of Airport, at end of Cessna Lane  at 4). Regularly scheduled on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.

Island Enterprise Lab, re-scheduled from last Tuesday at the Funhouse Commons. Meeting is free, dinner, provided by The Kitchen will be available. $10 for adults. $5 for kids (Please REVP for dinner by calling 376-7177 by Monday, Jan. 23. Childcare will also be provided, donation to the Funhouse Commons suggested.

Orcas Island School District Board Special Meeting to Discuss Budget, rescheduled from Thursday, Jan. 19. School Library at 5:30 p.m.

Orcas Fire District Commissioners meeting at Eastsound Fire Hall at 7:30 p.m. Call 376-2331 for more information.

Wednesday, Jan. 25

Sustainable Orcas Island (SOI) monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the Public Library. 376-4859.

Thursday, Jan. 26

Humor in Contemporary Literature at the Orcas Public Library, 1 to 3 p.m. January 26 to March 1, with Jill McCabe Johnson, Instructor. Please bring the $25 course fee the first day of class. Checks should be made to the instructor.

Orcas Island School Board meeting at the school library. 5:30 p.m. Call 376-2284 for more information.

The story of Dorade with Orcas Author Douglas Adkins fundraising dinner to benefit Sail Orcas, 6 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. Dorade is a legendary ocean racing yacht with a fascinating history including strong ties to Orcas Island. Join the Sail Orcas community for a scrumptious dinner and enjoy Doug Adkins stories and photos of the adventures of this beautiful wooden boat. Cost: $25/person donation to Sail Orcas (Under 18-$15) Advanced Tickets Available at: West Sound Marina 376-2314; Dr. Chris White’s office (Airport Center on Mt Baker) 376-5310; Eastsound Water 376-2127. Free Supervised On Site Child Care provided during presentation.

Friday, Jan. 27

Saturday, Jan. 28

Rainshadow Running 25 K starting at 9 a.m. at Moran State Park. Go to for details.

Sunday, Jan. 29

Harry Patton, Olga pioneer, speaks at the Orcas Museum’s History Matinee at the Museum at  3 p.m. Stories will include anecdotes about rum-running through Doe Bay during the prohibition era, community dances and the mosquito fleet passenger boat activities. Donation of any amount will gladly be accepted at the door  of the Orcas Museum on North Beach Road.  Snacks, beverages and an amplified sound system will be provided.